A Possible Future for Journalism

Apr 26, 2020


Image by Nitya Wakhlu, Clipped from Experience Engagement, 2015

Science fiction writer William Gibson said “the future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”

Nonprofit Quartlerly published my take on a possible future for journalism: How Can We Emerge from the Pandemic with the Journalism We Need? (Or check out the unabridged version.)

Based on what is already emerging, this story of hope & possibility highlights intrepid adventurers who are reinventing journalism to serve the needs of an inclusive society. Using the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as a frame, it offers five trends:

Trends in Journalism

Updated March 15, 2021. Added footnote and some text revisions to the table for improved clarity.

Updated February 3, 2023 to add unabridged version of full article.




Written by PeggyHolman

Author, Engaging Emergence & The Change Handbook. Co-founder, Journalism That Matters. Hosting conversations for addressing complex challenges.

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